Hitachi Rail

Hitachi is one of the world's leading global companies and employs over 320,000 people worldwide. As symbolized by its corporate statement "Inspire the Next", Hitachi wants to drive change in the world by providing products, systems and services based on the latest advances in technology. Beliefs and actions are guided by their mission, vision and values. Hitachi takes pride in holding itself and its projects to the highest standards, and its values are benchmarks by which it evaluates its successes and opportunities for improvement.

About the employer

Hitachi Rail’s team of over 14,000 people across 38 countries delivers world-leading innovative mobility solutions.

Defined by sophisticated OT and manufacturing technology, cutting-edge IT, and products trusted for their high quality and reliability, we draw on the wider Hitachi technology and research-and-development capabilities, to deliver industry leading innovations and solutions that provide value for customers and sustainable railway systems that benefit wider society.

The future demands technologies that integrate and coordinate the ways people travel and goods transported. Digital solutions that link passengers and freight with other transport systems and infrastructure – allowing instant data exchange for seamless end-to-end journeys. At Hitachi Rail, our turnkey solutions take passenger and operator experience, efficiency and safety to new levels. Our technology innovations pave the way for smarter scheduling, ‘live’ visibility of demand, increased network capacity, advanced signalling and train control, plus predictive and targeted maintenance.

We are also working to decarbonise rail travel – leading the way with a combination of battery-enabled, electric and hybrid solutions for trains and trams across the globe. We are actively pursuing a 100% reduction in our own CO2 emissions by 2030, streamlining our energy and resource management, extending our use of solar power, and using eco-design principles to boost the energy efficiency and recyclability of our solutions.

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